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Ten Ways to tell if you ar typlexic
Breaking News!29 September 2001Origin Discovered Typlexia.. what a terrible disease! It seems hat it can be traced important back to one named Angela Buraglia where it was first introduced to the Macromedia Dremawevaer (Dreamweaver) forum. As you can see, ~Angela's disease has a way of affecting many even without contact. Those that have been similarly affected are Danilo Celic, Brad Halstead, Daniel Short, Murray Summers and many others too numberous to mention.
So, although Typlexia affects many of us in the world, there is no serious long term effects that are known at this time and with using aids such as Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor, even the short-term effects can be circumvented. 2 September 2001Technological Breakthrough Have you heard about the new technology that will help people with typlexia?
Typlexia Visual Correction Lenses. It doens't cure it.. but it puts typlexics
back in the mainstream by allowing other folks to make sense of what typlexia
hindered folks write. It's a special pair of glasses that actually corrects errors on the written
page before they reach the readers eyes. Dr. Crossfinger first came up with the idea when he was emailed a grocery
list from his wife who suffers from typlexia. The Typlexia Visual Correction Lenses will not be available in contact lens form, but are available in a nice Strawberry Creme color frame. 17 June 2001The latest House Bill (HB- 24562-C) will amend the ADBA act to includes typlexia as a disability. All software must conform to persons with this disability. |
Two Strains of the Typlexia DiseaseThere are 2 main types of the Typlexia disease. There is "typlexia nervosa" and "typlexia keyboardium" Typlexia keybordium affects nearly 35% of the world's population. One sure sign of typlexia keybordium is tha the backpsace key is worn out and oftenn broken. Typelexia nervosa occurs in nearly half of all typlexia keybordium sufferrers. This variant is a mutation of the typlexia keyboridum disease which usually only strikes web developers and Instandt Messenger program users. When in a hurry, typlexia nervosa sufferers mis-type nearly ever common word imaginebale. There is no known cuere for eeither variation of the disease, however htere are wasy to treat the symptoims. |
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